Every woman’s journey through peri-menopause and post-menopause is as unique as her fingerprint, influenced by a myriad of factors including genetics, lifestyle, and health history. Despite these individual differences, certain patterns emerge, allowing us to categorize experiences into seven distinct menopause types. Understanding your specific type can be a game-changer, offering a tailored roadmap for personalized menopause care and lasting health.
By identifying your primary type, or a blend of a few, you can create a personalized menopause care plan to reset your hormones and optimize your well-being. While all types will follow the same foundational six steps, each will have a customized approach to diet, supplements, exercise, and bio-identical hormones, ensuring that your unique needs are met.
Discover your “menopause type” and unlock a unique healing path tailored specifically to you, in my signature coaching program, The Menopause Playbook: Strategies Right for your Type. You will learn how to take control of your health, minimize symptoms, and thrive during this transformative phase of life.
● Heavier periods / more painful periods
● More frequent periods ** often clients will have IUD/BCP
● Difficulty falling asleep
● Night sweats
● Weight gain
● Headache
● Breast tenderness
● Lower libido
● Higher irritability
● Increased anxiety
Chances are you feel tired, are bloated, have gained weight, and cannot lose it easily.
Personalized Menopause Care Plan:
● Weight gain / or initially weight loss
● Weight gain around the abdominal region
● Fatigue, especially mid afternoon
● Hunger
● Difficulty staying asleep/falling asleep
● Heightened state of anxiety/worry/irritability (hyperarousal)
● Mental fogginess
● Low motivation
Chances are you feel tired (especially in the afternoon), experience intense cravings, and have difficulty maintaining muscle mass.
Personalized Menopause Care Plan
● Weight gain
● Fatigue
● Less energy through workouts
● Headaches
● Fatigue
● Headaches
● Allergies
● Sensitivity to caffeine/ alcohol/ medication
● All sorts of symptoms here
● Generally can be confusing as symptoms can show up from multiple
hormone systems being out of balance
Chances are you are noticing more weight gain or less weight loss than expected, fatigue throughout the day, but especially after workouts, general weakness, and multiple hormone imbalances.
Personalized Menopause Care Plan:
● Chronic fatigue
● Fibromyalgia
● Headaches
● Migraines
● Muscle Weakness
● Depression
● Mental fogginess
Chances are you are tired all the time, and hurt everywhere. You have trouble working out because you do not feel strong, you tire easily, and often feel worse afterwards.
Personalized Menopause Care Plan:
● Weight gain
● Fatigue- especially mid afternoon
● Hunger cravings
● Feeling cold
● Infertility
● Depressed mood
● Lack of motivation
● Sluggishness
Chances are you feel tired and sluggish a lot of the time, have gained weight, experience muscle weakness, and do not enjoy working out.
Personalized Menopause Care Plan:
The Unicorn may have very mild overall symptoms or no symptoms at all.
Oh, to be a unicorn!
Personalized Menopause Care Plan:
● Difficulty falling and/or staying asleep
● Weight gain
● Vaginal atrophy
● Painful sex
● Joint pain
● Muscle weakness
● Difficulty building muscle
● Pelvic Ffoor dysfunction
● Increased urgency, frequency, incontinence
● Increased bladder and yeast infections
● Possible hot flashes and night sweats
● Increased risk of bone and muscle loss
● Depression
● Increased anxiety
Chances are you have a depressed mood, experience vaginal dryness and irritation, and have increased joint pain and muscle weakness.
Personalized Menopause Care Plan: